Sunday, 20 September 2009

Why do weekends go so fast......

Well another weekend over and nearer to
So Kirsty keeps telling me, even though I would rather not think about it till beg on Nov!
Have had a funny sort of weekend, had no kids, but been up to allsorts, have a lovely evening in on friday night, then spent yesterday afternoon moving furniture for my ex sister in law who has just got divorced from her hubby...I know long long story, but we do still get on ..and I couldn't leave her stranded.
That took 3 hrs,all the time me thinking how many bonus pts would this be.
Then went to my mates last night to have my hairt coloured, brought vibrant purple and expected it to look some sort of purple..nope it's looks jet black.
Only when I step into the light/sun does it come purple.
I suppose on a lighter note I am off tomorrow,got to make my hours up in work over the week, but it makes the weeknd go that little bit longer....then again Kirsty will make sure I am awake before she goes to school.

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